About us

The Company

Cours d’escalade à Squamish

How to make the right choice among the multitude of companies in this industry? Who assures you that your guide is a real certified guide? See what differentiates Attitude Montagne from the others!

Our History

For years, Attitude Montagne has sprouted in the mind of its founder, Dominic Asselin. Very passionate of mountains and climbing, he dreamed to share his experience with others, but most importantly, to provide a solid experience on land and also with recognized guides of high level training which lacks in this industry. Therefore, after several years of work, of involvement, of climbing but mostly out of passion, he decided himself to create Attitude Montagne.

Interview with Dominic Asselin on Attitude Montagne.

Our Name

A company’s name carries a message. Therefore there is a reason for our choice.

Fisrt, for us Attitude is a word game with «altitude» which is the ultimate goal that each climber wants to achieve. Even when they climb a wall, they aim the highest peaks.

Attitude is also our approach to be, to live with the mountain and people, which is respect and gratitude to what they teach us.

The word mountain, represents going beyond our limits, conquer our fears and achievement of our objectives. It is also what fuels our dreams and gives us the strength to push ourselves further. For us it is the most beautiful thing that exists.

The Logo

We chose the mountain goat to represent the nickname given to its founder, Dominic Asselin. Furthermore, this animal is without any doubt an expert in vertical terrain! Considered as the most adapted to the mountain environment, it is not uncommon to see it walk on a cliff and wonder how come it doesn’t fall!

The Approach «Leave no Trace»

At Attitude Montagne we greatly believe in the importance of the protection of our environment and our play area. The more conscious and careful people will be when using these spaces, more magical the places will be. That is why all of our guides have a «leave no trace» training and will share this knowledge with all groups.

The 7 Principles of« Leave no Trace »

  1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
  2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
  3. Dispose of Waste Properly
  4. Leave What You Find
  5. Minimize Camp Fire Impacts
  6. Respect Wild Life
  7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors


Horizon Roc 

Located in Montreal, Horizon Roc climbing gym is happy to offer to Attitude Montagne’s customers:
– The bouldering greeting and the accreditation free of charge
– 10% discount for the ”Découverte 2” course and lead climbing course