
Rock climbing courses

Rock is the element that has always represent strength in nature and it has defended itself for millennia by building impassable walls! However, the rock is so noble and has so much to offer when we learn about it. Come and discover with us this great element that will make you discover a multitude of emotions. Choose from our impressive selection of rock climbing courses the one that suits you best!

Rock climbing discovery at St-Adolphe-d’Howard


This half day of climbing will give you the opportunity to discover a fascinating universe! The goal is simple: climb and have fun to try this unusual sport! Between friends, with your love one or in family you will enjoy the tips from your instructor to help you to climb the cliff!

Please note that if your goal is to become a climber, we suggest booking a full day of rock climbing introduction or the multi-pitch climbing experience in order to learn all the basics to enjoy this sport (which are not included in the half day) and then continue your training.

  • Prerequisite: None
  • Level: beginners
  • Minimum age: 5 years old
  • Duration: 3 hours in Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard
  • Availability: Minimum of 2 adults or 1 adult and 2 child. (We could combine participant in order to have the minimum required to confirm the activity)

Registration and price

Rock climbing discovery at Mont Tremblant


A rock climbing initiation course right on Tremblant resort! This half day of climbing will give you the opportunity to discover a fascinating universe! The goal is simple: climb and have fun to try this unusual sport! Reservations must be made through The Tremblant Activity Center, however the activity is supervised by Attitude Montagne instructors!

Please note that if your goal is to become a climber, we suggest booking a full day of rock climbing introduction or the multi-pitch climbing experience in order to learn all the basics to enjoy this sport (which are not included in the half day) and then continue your training.

  • Prerequisite: None
  • Level: beginners
  • Minimum age: 5 years old
  • Duration: 3 hours in Mont Tremblant Resort
  • Availability: Reservation and availability through the Mont Tremblant Activity Center (climbing activities are supervised by Attitude Montagne instructors)

Registration and price

Rock Climbing Introduction


You always thought that climbing was an inaccessible extreme sport, that only the most reckless could practice it? Think again, Attitude Montagne will make you take your first steps into an exciting world. Thanks to this course you will learn how to master all the basics to enjoy this sport: knots, belaying, vocabulary, basic gestures and who knows, perhaps, a passion will grow!

  • Prerequisite: None
  • Level: beginners
  • Duration: 1 day

Registration and price

Rock Transition Top-Rope


You want more thrills or new challenges? It is time to play outside. Learn how to install a top-rope, belay and how to get acquaintance with this new medium that is “the rock”.

  • Prerequisite: Introduction course or 5 indoor sessions or top rope accreditation
  • Level: intermediate
  • Duration: 2 days

Registration and price

Rock Transition Lead Climbing


You already practice lead climbing indoors and want to make transition to outdoor rock climbing, This course is a good mix of the Rock Transition Top Rope and Sport Lead Climbing courses. We will teach you all the techniques required to safely climb outdoors fully bolted sport routes.

  • Prerequisite: Indoor lead climbing accreditation, able to climb 5.9
  • Level: intermediate
  • Duration: 2 days

Registration and price

Sport Lead Climbing


You already top-rope climb outside? This course is for you! You will learn the belay basics, lead climbing, how to make an anchor, how to manage, the basics of the forces involved and an introduction to self rescue. You will then be ready to tackle all your projects that you wish to realize as a lead climber.

Vous grimpez présentement en 1er de cordée dans un centre d’escalade intérieur et désirez faire la transition vers l’extérieur pour y faire vos premières grimpes en tête? Référez-vous au cours de transition 1er de cordée extérieur.

  • Prerequisite: Outdoor top-rope climbing
  • Level: intermediate
  • Duration: 2 days

Registration and price

Movement and Commitment


The goal is the provided the tools to increased the level of confidence and grade of your climbing in an outdoors environment with the help of small exercise that will be practiced during the day and apply to your climbing days in the futur. The subject will be : optimization of your feet, Slab climbing, respiration, taking rest at the right spot, falling, etc.

  • Prerequisite: Outdoors lead climbing sport or trad
  • Level: beginners intermediate
  • Duration: 1 day

Registration and price

Traditional Lead Climbing


Traditional climbing is the basis of all: whether climbing a single length, to spend there several days, go in the high mountains, or simply engage yourself on a partial formed ice track. The laying of natural protections will offer you new opportunities: you will learn:

  • self-rescue
  • the protections installation
  • the relays creation
  • multi-pitch climbing and management
  • but also to trust the equipment
  • win over your fears
  • Prerequisite: Have minimum 15 days of outdoors lead climbing and be able to climb a 5.8
  • Level: intermediate
  • Duration: 4 days

Registration and price

Multi-Pitch Climbing and Self-Rescue


This course is for climbers who followed the Outdoor Lead Transition or Sport Climbing Lead course, it’s also a good refresher for the trad climbing course. It will give you the knowledge needed to start climbing bolted multi-pitch routes. You will see belay station management, top-down belaying, self-rescue and multi-pitch rappels.

  • Prerequisite: Sport Lead or Outdoor Lead Transition and 5 days of climbing outdoors.
  • Level: intermediate
  • Duration: 2 day

Registration and price

Aid Climbing


Aid climbing has long been the key of entry to the majority of the most difficult climbs in the world. Even today, we can find one or more insurmountable routes when one engages himself in a multi-pitch. You want to learn to master these techniques that will give you access to all these challenging routes? At Attitude Montagne, we will show you not only how to use the different pieces of equipment, the progression techniques, the hauling systems but also we will give you tips that will make all the difference between having a great adventure and living a nightmare.

  • Prerequisite: Traditional climbing or equivalent
  • Level: intermediate
  • Duration: 2 days

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Big Wall


What’s more spectacular, when you wake-up, than being suspended 200 metres above the ground with a fabulous sunrise; to spend several days suspended on the wall carrying what serves you as a home! If you master the progression techniques of aid climbing and wish to push further, this course is for you! We will review the necessary equipment, the bivies, the use of portaledge, the planning and we will show how to DIY!

  • Prerequisite: Aid climbing or equivalent
  • Level: advanced
  • Duration: 1 day

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What’s more frightening than to imagine a buddy suspended on a rope, wounded and unable to do anything. His survival depends on you! At Attitude Montagne, we believe that this is the most important course that a climber should follow. The one day formula is offered on demand as a good review of the ‘Multi-pitch and self-rescue’ course.

  • Prerequisite: Multi-pitch and self-rescue course (review formula)
  • Level: intermediate
  • Duration: 1 day

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Multi-Pitch Climbing Experience


When we think of climbing, we imagine ourselves spending a whole day on high rocky mountain wall like in the movies! Then, why just limit yourself to top-rope? Attitude Montagne climbing center is currently the only company in Quebec that offers the following experience. We propose to leave for several hours directly on the wall to enjoy this sport at the maximum.

Maximum of 2 clients with the guide.

  • Prerequisite: Have done an introduction to rock climbing OR have an accreditation in an indoor gym top-top or lead (or equivalent experience)
  • Level: beginners (with good physical condition)
  • Duration: 1 day

Registration and price