
Mountaineering courses

Make sure you go to the mountains well prepared! Our mountaineering courses will teach you methods for tying into the rope, how to progress on glaciers, crevasse rescue, snow anchors or bivouac, we will cover everything you need in order to go play in the mountains!

Mountaineering school progress

We consider a mountaineer to be autonomous once the 5 courses in the Mountaineering School Program has been completed.

Mountaineering 1 (HM-1)


We will cover the basics ice axe and crampon techniques, and their use in various contexts including self-arrest and belaying. You will also learn how to tie into the rope and how to progress as a rope team. Finally, we will tough on the basics of snow anchors and belay stances.

  • PPE selection
  • Knots (eight, prussik, double fisherman, clove hitch, Munter, butterfly)
  • Walking with ice axe and crampons on different terrain types
  • Ability to stop yourself from sliding (self-arrest)
  • Knowledge of basic principles for simul-climbing
  • Securing yourself and belaying without a belay device
  • Simple ice and snow anchor placements

Following this course the participant should not go on terrain with crevasses requiring complex ropework or where there is avalanche danger, without the supervision of a guide or having followed a higher level course on the subject.

  • Prerequisite: None
  • Level: beginners
  • Duration: 2 days

Registration and price

Mountaineering 2 (HM-2)


It is time for you to master the use of the full panoply of anchors and belaying methods that we use in the mountains, as well as the various techniques for crevasse rescues? You will learn how to master your route finding skills and how to go progress on various terrain types.

  • Rappelling
  • Anchor construction on ice and snow
  • Belaying a second with a belay device
  • Pitched climbing on easy terrain
  • The terrain, its components and advice on glacier travel
  • Crevasse rescue
    • Rope ascending
    • Pulley systems (3 :1, 5 :1, team haul)
    • Escaping the belay

This course is designed for progression on snow and alpine ice with crevasses where route finding is important and complex. The general angle is less than 50° and the rating of the route is between Little Difficult (PD) and Difficult (D).

  • Prerequisite: Mountaineering 1
  • Level: beginners
  • Duration: 2 days

Registration and price

Mountain Navigation


You will learn navigation skills to help you find your way in even the most remote regions of the world. These techniques pass through a complete knowledge of the tools of navigations as well as planification, either it is on trail or off trail.

  • We will teach you how to find your exact position on the Earth (navigation, coordinates)
  • We will show you how to master the navigation principals with a map, a compast, a GPS and a cellphone.
  • You will practice your techniques on the terrain
  • You will be introduced to different tools for trip planning (internet applications, cellphone applications, GPS).
  • Realization and application of a complete route plan (distance, time, etc).
  • Planification of an emergency plan.
  • Prerequisite: None
  • Level: beginners
  • Duration: 2 days

Registration and price

AST Level 1



The level I Avalanche Skills course (introduction), will provide guidance to decision making and will be:

  • Based on the most advanced knowledge available.
  • Adapted for users with basic training and some experience
  • Introduce prior concepts for the next avalanche training.
  • Present and promote the safety course avalanche level 2 as a logical step for intermediate level decision-making skills.

At the end of the course, the student should:

  • Understand the basics of avalanche formation and release.
  • Identify avalanche terrain.
  • Know the steps required to plan and carry out a trip.
  • Use the Avaluator™ as a decision-making tool in areas where trips are rated using the Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale (ATES) and where Avalanche Danger Ratings and Avalanche Bulletins are available.
  • Find resources for obtaining ATES terrain ratings if their trip is not rated.
  • Find resources for obtaining Avalanche Danger Ratings and Avalanche Bulletins if these are not available.
  • Use appropriate travel techniques in avalanche terrain.
  • Carry out a companion rescue.
  • Understand the limits of their training.
  • Prerequisite: None
  • Level: beginners
  • Duration: 2 days

Registration and price

Mountaineering 3 Mexico Volcanoes (trip)


You want to attack some bigger challenge, we are going to help you! You will combine every skills of every courses that you followed at Attitude Montagne to fully prepare and accomplish a real international expedition! You shall put on practice every ability that we teach you ahead of the trip to make sure that you use the good technique at the good moment, so you are the most efficient possible! Acclimatization also add a good challenge to the trip!

  • Put into practice and link between the 4 training module of the mountain school ( HM-1, HM-2, CSA 1, orientation)
  • Pre-trip planning realization (avalanche, weather, orientation, emergency plan, itinerary plan)
  • Autonomous ascent of an alpine route, supervised by one of the Attitude Montagne guide
  • Validation of your control on the different mountain techniques so you can become autonomous

Montaineering level 3 Mexican Volcanoes is an international expedition supervised by a guide. Please refer to the page dedicated to this trip for all the details HM-3 ON THE VOLCANOES OF MEXICO. Please read the applicable trip conditions (booking terms, deadlines, etc.) before making your reservation.



Participant should be at a autonomous level to realize a mountain trip. Of course, every participants is different and this level of autonomy will be different for everyone. Furthermore, experience can be acquired only with time and time in the mountains is necessary to understand every phenomenon met. It is then of the responsibility of every participant to juge of their own level afterward.


  • Prerequisite: Completion of the full Mountain School Program or equivalent experience (validated by exam)
  • Level: intermediate
  • Duration: 10 days + 1 day preparation in Quebec

Registration and price

Mountaineering 3 (HM-3 short trip)


You want to attack some bigger objectives, we will help you prepare! We will be working with you to combine the knowledge acquired in all the other courses you have taken with Attitude Montagne. We will put into practice and fine-tune the skills you have learned before to make sure you use the right technique at the right time and to make you as efficient as possible!

  • Practice skills from the 4 mountaineering school modules (HM-1, HM-2, AST 1, navigation)
  • Pre-trip planning practice (avalanche, weather, navigation, emergency plan, route finding)
  • Ascent of Mount Washington by one of the Huntington Ravine couloirs autonomously, supervised by an Attitude Montagne guide
  • Validation of the various mountain skills and techniques to obtain autonomy

Montaineering level 3 Mount Washington is an international expedition supervised by a guide (trip). Please read the applicable trip conditions (booking terms, deadlines, etc.) before making your reservation.


The participant should reach an acceptable level of autonomy to undergo a mountaineering trip. Obviously, each participant is different and the level obtained during the course will be individual. Furthermore, mountaineering experience is gained over time and is necessary to understand the different mountain phenomena. Therefore it is the responsibility of each participant to judge their own skill level.

  • Prerequisite: Completion of the full Mountain School Program or equivalent experience (validated by exam)
  • Level: intermediate
  • Duration: 3 days

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AST Level 2


An AST 2 course is suitable for people with a moderate degree of training and experience and who have taken an AST 1 course. An AST 2 course builds on the foundations of your AST 1, and provides an intermediate decision-making framework for travelling in avalanche terrain. An AST 2 course comprises a minimum of 9.5 hours of classroom instruction with a minimum of three days in the field. The course is suitable for people with a moderate degree of training and experience.

At the end of the course, the student should:

  • Use the Avaluator2.0 as a filtering tool to determine when additional planning and travel techniques are required to travel safely.
  • Be familiar with Avalanche Danger Ratings verification techniques for personal use on a local scale.
  • Be familiar with the Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale (ATES) technical model as a means to develop personal, local terrain ratings.
  • Use routefinding to take advantage of nuances in terrain to manage personal risk.
  • Use travel techniques in avalanche terrain appropriate to the avalanche conditions.
  • Proficiently carry out a companion rescue.
  • Understand the limits of their training.


  • Book : Staying alive in avalanche terrain
  • Terrain fieldbook

Not included

  • Transportation Attitude Montagne for the first 2 day and to training terrain for the 2 last day
  • Lodging
  • Food
  • Beacon, shovel, probe
  • Snow analysis equipment
  • Ski or splitboard
  • All personal gear and any other expenses during the training.
  • Prerequisite: AST1 (certificat requested)
  • Level: intermediate
  • Duration: 4 days

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Companion Rescue Skills


A Companion Rescue Skills course is a must-have for all backcountry recreationists in any sport, because it teaches life-saving search and rescue techniques. The CRS course may be the first step of your avalanche training, or an important refresher for those with previous training. The one-day CRS requires a minimum of seven hours in the field.

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Consider and incorporate preventative measures.
  • Prioritize actions if caught in an avalanche.
  • Understand the function of airbags.
  • Understand transceiver functions and practice transceiver skills.
  • Apply search and rescue techniques.
  • Practice searching without a transceiver.
  • Consider multiple burial situations.
  • Organize a group rescue.
  • Identify post-incident considerations.
  • Prerequisite: AST1 or AST2 (certificat requested)
  • Level: intermediate
  • Duration: 1 day

Registration and price

Winter Camping Course


You will familiarize yourself with the winter camping experience, to sleep in cold weather and in snow. The success of your outdoor trip or your international expedition will depend on your comfort, the quality of your sleep and your safety.

  • We will focus making you comfortable with the experience of sleping outdoors in low temperatures.
  • We will see the thechniques for practicing winter camping safely.
  • We will cover how to choose and manage winter camping equipment.
  • We will see how to choose clothing and layering principles for winter activities.
  • We will learn to recognize signs and symptoms of hypothermia and frostbite.
  • We will teach you how to treat hypothermia and frostbite.
  • Prerequisite: None
  • Level: beginners
  • Duration: 2 days (including 1 night)

Registration and price

Pre-guided Trip Training


This course is adapted to participants going on a guided trip to a mountain with snowy terrain and fixed ropes but no technical glaciers.

  • PPE installation
  • Basic knots (eight, clove hitch, butterfly)
  • Walking with ice axe and crampons
  • Ability to stop yourself from sliding (self-arrest)
  • Climbing a fixed rope with ascender (jumaring)

This basic course is offered for existing groups that are doing an expedition on the same mountain. If you are not part of a group, please refer to Mountaineering 1 that is a complete training and more versatile in order to learn the basic techniques that can be adapted to your needs.

  • Prerequisite: Having signed up for a mountaineering trip
  • Level: beginners
  • Duration: 1 day

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